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Erin Clancy, LSW



Erin is a Social Worker at Vendetti Wellness Group. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Stonehill College in Psychology and Criminology and her Master of Social Work degree from Bridgewater State University. Erin’s background includes working with families affected by substance use, in-home parenting support for families, as well as school-based counseling for adolescents experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, and other challenges. Erin utilizes a strengths-based, anti-oppressive orientation with her clients to ensure every client feels supported and validated in their experience. Erin particularly enjoys working with the adolescent population in collaboratively navigating mental health, relationships, family dynamics, and life transitions. She enjoys incorporating creativity such as art, music, and writing in her work with clients if they are interested. 


In her free time, Erin enjoys painting, taking long walks outside, and playing with her dog “nephews” Thunder and Lightning. 


Erin Clancy


Phone: 508.589.5333 x203

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